War Protests, Impeach Bush, Jihad Students
War Protests, Impeach Bush, Jihad Students - © Kent Fletcher
January 29, 2007
I woke up this morning, and I had myself a cuppa joe. As I do every morning, along with the cuppa joe, I check my email, delete all the spam, check the pertinent ones, including the jokes, and maybe pay a bill or two. I always check my bank account, too, just to make sure the pennies are still there, that I've not been hacked by some low-life punk. I keep a table for the weather day-by-day, which is not really needed, as the National Weather Service also keeps a table. The one I've got is just more pertinent to me, as I don't need all the other superfluous stuff they put out.
Then I check the DoD website that lists the latest KIAs from Iraq and Afghanistan, and if there are new ones, I transfer the same information to yet another spreadsheet I have. What do I do with said spreadsheet? Not a whole lot, but it's just a way for me to keep a focus on the War On Terror, to acknowledge the ongoing frustrations of the US and its allies, and its detractors as well.
Having sated the first part of my routine, I venture on over to a private forum board, peruse the last 20 or so posts, see if there's anything of interest to me. Most of the time, there isn't, so I continue on. Next I'll go to a political forum, on a supposedly woodworking site, of which I used to participate. I don't anymore for a variety of reasons. Now I just read the vitriolic words of the leftists there, who continue unabated with full graces by the webmistress, who is as negatively opinionated as her leftist cronies. It is on this website, among others, that I see most of the anti-US, anti-Bush, anti-American crap. I say this site, because I have no intention on subjecting myself to other profane and derogatory whining on leftist sites.
After reading in utter amazement at the hate-filled pages of this site, I move on to more pleasant places. I joined a real woodworking forum that was started when another one moved to the left and got into politics too much for my gut. It's a real pleasure to go to this site many times a day for the information, for the funnies, for the true-to-life stories about gains and losses in woodworking.
Then it's off to the races for the GWOT blogs. I read various and sundry things from a short list I have, most all of it political in a way. Once I get my fill, I'll grab another cuppa joe, move on to things that really interest me, like the rebuilding on the Mississippi Gulf Coast after Katrina, attempt an epistle (such as this one) when the notion strikes, play a game or three online, mostly just vegetate. I get a call from my friend, George, see what he has on his agenda today, if I'm going to take him around the countryside in search of things to buy, food to eat, people to see, in other words, pithing off a day.
During all these daily exercises, I rarely listen to anything but the keys being clicked on the keyboard. My ears have been ringing for so many years and I've only noticed in the last week or so, just how much I can't hear. I had a meeting this weekend of a fraternal group I belong to, and I could hardly hear, much less understand what the speaker was saying. I could say it was the background noise of the a/c system that was drowning her out, but that's not entirely all of it, as I was sitting too close to the front to have had such difficult hearing. I was even cupping my hand over my left ear. Reluctantly, I guess it's time for hearing aids, at least when I go to a meeting. Heck, I have to roll the volume up so much on the tube, on those rare occasions when I watch it, I blow everyone else out of the room. One more reason I don't care to watch the telly.
Now then, back to the subject at hand. I happened upon a blog this morning wherein is included several YouTube videos, one of which is a translated video from MEMRITV.org of the story of a young jihadist being told to a group of children, somewhere in the Middle East. I watched and I read the translation as the video rolled. It reminded me, in a sarcastic way, of how children in the US may be told the stories of Uncle Remus, everyone just sitting around, listening to the stories. Amazing and disgusting at the same time. A real way the children in the Middle East are propagandized into believing their lives are worth less than a donkey's, all for the sake of martyrdom. If the preachers, imams of hate and rhetoric are so keen on martyrdom, why then don't THEY go for it? Because Islam, in my mind, anyway, is not a religion but a doctrine of hate as it is being applied to the rest of the world.
A little farther down on this website is a seven-plus minute video of the war protestors in Washington, DC, yesterday, January 27, 2007. As I wrote above, I don't watch much telly anymore, and while I was vaguely aware of the protests scheduled for the weekend, I paid no mind to it. Until this morning when I watched the video. It was noted that more coverage was made by the MSM of this fractured fairy tale of a march than the much larger demonstration a week or so before on behalf of pro-lifers. I guess the pro-lifers were too far right for the MSM to care about, eh?
There was no commentary in the video, just a scroll of scenes depicting the anti-US, anti-war, anti-American, anti-Bush, anti-anything else crowd. Old folks, young folks. A large group walking behind a banner of the socialist party of america (I refuse to capitalize the name). Stilt-walkers dressed in an array of colors, including the US flag. Drummers, horn-blowers. One clown with a Bush mask tossing around a beach ball depicting the world, uttering, "Mine, all mine!" Seemed as though it was a decent day in downtown Washington, DC, to stage a protest march. But I never saw any speakers, any leaders, just the parade of we-hate-anything-that-is-not-to-our-liking dissenters. I think I recall hearing or reading that Hanoi Jane, Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, and a few other persons who think they are causes célèbres were there, but that must have been on Saturday. I guess they had their "say's" on Saturday, and left the clean-up crews to walk the streets, show the world what they don't like about being US citizens. Fine and dandy.
One thing bothers me more than any other, and that is why some people, mostly those who are against our presence anywhere in the world, and perhaps our mere existence on Planet Earth for that matter, think and believe that if the US simply pulls out of Iraq, Afghanistan, anywhere else in the Middle East that Al Qaeda and/or any other terrorist organization will simply leave the US alone? Osama bin Laden, his side-kick Ayman al-Zawahiri, Muqtada al-Sadr, along with a plethora of other martyr-seeking individuals have said time and again they don't care who stands in their way, only that US citizens and any other world citizens who are "infidels" will be killed in accordance with writings of their prophet. Heads will roll, literarily until such time islam will be the only force on earth. The Crusades, a series of military campaigns of a religious character waged by Christians from 1095 to 1291 to recapture Jerusalem and the "Holy Lands" from the Muslims only quelled the oncoming disasters which are just under the surface in the present. There is a wealth of information concerning this conflict all over the web, I've only touched the surface of it all. What happened in the past is not my doing, is not my overall concern, as I can not make what happened then, correct now, and actually no one of today's world can. Revenge for past atrocities is one of islam's goals. Another is world domination. Period.
So what is the next step? Appeasement? And if so, for how long? Is the US or any other free country up to paying a jizya just to maintain a "normal" life for its citizens? And even if a jizya is given, what certainty is there the tax will be honored? How long can freedom be bought, be had from a belief system that knows nothing else but a total, involuntary servitude? Not long I dare say, for if one entity is paying another entity for its survival, either the money will soon run out, or the taxes will be consistently upped until payments cannot be made, and then the plunder of the usurpers of islam will begin in earnest. I believe the ultimate islamic belief is this: Submit or DIE! Plain, pure, simple.
I recalled reading an email sent to me by someone, about Thomas Jefferson and his conflict(s) with the Muslims way back in early 1800s. I've looked it up on the web, and while the web is open-season for things false and things true, I have no reason to not believe a lot of what I read. Unless of course, what I read comes from political sites, which stretches the "truth" to the point of attempting to make a point in one's favor. Whatever.
In this, which I've copied from that email, which was compiled by Ted Sampley, U.S. Veteran Dispatch, January 2007, is part of what Mr. Sampley wrote:
'In 1786, Jefferson, then the American ambassador to France, and Adams, then the American ambassador to Britain, met in London with Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, the "Dey of Algiers" ambassador to Britain.
'The Americans wanted to negotiate a peace treaty based on Congress' vote to appease.
'During the meeting Jefferson and Adams asked the Dey's ambassador why Muslims held so much hostility towards America, a nation with which they had no previous contacts.
'In a later meeting with the American Congress, the two future presidents reported that Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja had answered that Islam "was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise."'
I have no reason to doubt what Mr. Sampley has written. It may be true, it may be false. Regardless, from what has been recorded in the past few years, the statement follows suit to present goings-on. Those muslims who will be slain in battle, to go to paradise are many, and since they are recruiting from among their children with no qualms, unless and until the muslims can be brought into the current 21st century, all, ALL the free peoples of the world face certain annihilation, decimation, elimination, eradication. I don't care what your politics are, if you don't submit, you die. Of course, if you're borne, you're going to die anyway, but personally, I'd rather die of natural causes than by a blade slicing my head off.
I've not addressed the impeach Bush ideology, for I believe there is nothing Bush has done to be impeachable. He did what he did with the information he had at the moment, and that's the bottom line. I am constantly and consistently amused with the notion that his convictions and his decisions were in retaliation toward a group of militant terrorists who have no conscience, no qualms about killing anyone who doesn't follow their train of thought. Now granted, when the WMD was not found, he shoulda, woulda, and possibly coulda changed his direction, but that is all in the past, there is nothing either he nor I can do to change it, but live with the error. Presidents preceding Bush have made gross misjudgments inactions as well, and I do believe those mistakes come with the office. What would I have done? I have no earthly idea, because I'm not the President.
Okay, enough of this. One more time I have written my concerns. You may agree with it, and you may not. Regardless of your conviction, at least allow me to put my feelings out to the cyber-world, and to paper if need be, and respect my freedom of speech and opinion.
January 29, 2007
I woke up this morning, and I had myself a cuppa joe. As I do every morning, along with the cuppa joe, I check my email, delete all the spam, check the pertinent ones, including the jokes, and maybe pay a bill or two. I always check my bank account, too, just to make sure the pennies are still there, that I've not been hacked by some low-life punk. I keep a table for the weather day-by-day, which is not really needed, as the National Weather Service also keeps a table. The one I've got is just more pertinent to me, as I don't need all the other superfluous stuff they put out.
Then I check the DoD website that lists the latest KIAs from Iraq and Afghanistan, and if there are new ones, I transfer the same information to yet another spreadsheet I have. What do I do with said spreadsheet? Not a whole lot, but it's just a way for me to keep a focus on the War On Terror, to acknowledge the ongoing frustrations of the US and its allies, and its detractors as well.
Having sated the first part of my routine, I venture on over to a private forum board, peruse the last 20 or so posts, see if there's anything of interest to me. Most of the time, there isn't, so I continue on. Next I'll go to a political forum, on a supposedly woodworking site, of which I used to participate. I don't anymore for a variety of reasons. Now I just read the vitriolic words of the leftists there, who continue unabated with full graces by the webmistress, who is as negatively opinionated as her leftist cronies. It is on this website, among others, that I see most of the anti-US, anti-Bush, anti-American crap. I say this site, because I have no intention on subjecting myself to other profane and derogatory whining on leftist sites.
After reading in utter amazement at the hate-filled pages of this site, I move on to more pleasant places. I joined a real woodworking forum that was started when another one moved to the left and got into politics too much for my gut. It's a real pleasure to go to this site many times a day for the information, for the funnies, for the true-to-life stories about gains and losses in woodworking.
Then it's off to the races for the GWOT blogs. I read various and sundry things from a short list I have, most all of it political in a way. Once I get my fill, I'll grab another cuppa joe, move on to things that really interest me, like the rebuilding on the Mississippi Gulf Coast after Katrina, attempt an epistle (such as this one) when the notion strikes, play a game or three online, mostly just vegetate. I get a call from my friend, George, see what he has on his agenda today, if I'm going to take him around the countryside in search of things to buy, food to eat, people to see, in other words, pithing off a day.
During all these daily exercises, I rarely listen to anything but the keys being clicked on the keyboard. My ears have been ringing for so many years and I've only noticed in the last week or so, just how much I can't hear. I had a meeting this weekend of a fraternal group I belong to, and I could hardly hear, much less understand what the speaker was saying. I could say it was the background noise of the a/c system that was drowning her out, but that's not entirely all of it, as I was sitting too close to the front to have had such difficult hearing. I was even cupping my hand over my left ear. Reluctantly, I guess it's time for hearing aids, at least when I go to a meeting. Heck, I have to roll the volume up so much on the tube, on those rare occasions when I watch it, I blow everyone else out of the room. One more reason I don't care to watch the telly.
Now then, back to the subject at hand. I happened upon a blog this morning wherein is included several YouTube videos, one of which is a translated video from MEMRITV.org of the story of a young jihadist being told to a group of children, somewhere in the Middle East. I watched and I read the translation as the video rolled. It reminded me, in a sarcastic way, of how children in the US may be told the stories of Uncle Remus, everyone just sitting around, listening to the stories. Amazing and disgusting at the same time. A real way the children in the Middle East are propagandized into believing their lives are worth less than a donkey's, all for the sake of martyrdom. If the preachers, imams of hate and rhetoric are so keen on martyrdom, why then don't THEY go for it? Because Islam, in my mind, anyway, is not a religion but a doctrine of hate as it is being applied to the rest of the world.
A little farther down on this website is a seven-plus minute video of the war protestors in Washington, DC, yesterday, January 27, 2007. As I wrote above, I don't watch much telly anymore, and while I was vaguely aware of the protests scheduled for the weekend, I paid no mind to it. Until this morning when I watched the video. It was noted that more coverage was made by the MSM of this fractured fairy tale of a march than the much larger demonstration a week or so before on behalf of pro-lifers. I guess the pro-lifers were too far right for the MSM to care about, eh?
There was no commentary in the video, just a scroll of scenes depicting the anti-US, anti-war, anti-American, anti-Bush, anti-anything else crowd. Old folks, young folks. A large group walking behind a banner of the socialist party of america (I refuse to capitalize the name). Stilt-walkers dressed in an array of colors, including the US flag. Drummers, horn-blowers. One clown with a Bush mask tossing around a beach ball depicting the world, uttering, "Mine, all mine!" Seemed as though it was a decent day in downtown Washington, DC, to stage a protest march. But I never saw any speakers, any leaders, just the parade of we-hate-anything-that-is-not-to-our-liking dissenters. I think I recall hearing or reading that Hanoi Jane, Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, and a few other persons who think they are causes célèbres were there, but that must have been on Saturday. I guess they had their "say's" on Saturday, and left the clean-up crews to walk the streets, show the world what they don't like about being US citizens. Fine and dandy.
One thing bothers me more than any other, and that is why some people, mostly those who are against our presence anywhere in the world, and perhaps our mere existence on Planet Earth for that matter, think and believe that if the US simply pulls out of Iraq, Afghanistan, anywhere else in the Middle East that Al Qaeda and/or any other terrorist organization will simply leave the US alone? Osama bin Laden, his side-kick Ayman al-Zawahiri, Muqtada al-Sadr, along with a plethora of other martyr-seeking individuals have said time and again they don't care who stands in their way, only that US citizens and any other world citizens who are "infidels" will be killed in accordance with writings of their prophet. Heads will roll, literarily until such time islam will be the only force on earth. The Crusades, a series of military campaigns of a religious character waged by Christians from 1095 to 1291 to recapture Jerusalem and the "Holy Lands" from the Muslims only quelled the oncoming disasters which are just under the surface in the present. There is a wealth of information concerning this conflict all over the web, I've only touched the surface of it all. What happened in the past is not my doing, is not my overall concern, as I can not make what happened then, correct now, and actually no one of today's world can. Revenge for past atrocities is one of islam's goals. Another is world domination. Period.
So what is the next step? Appeasement? And if so, for how long? Is the US or any other free country up to paying a jizya just to maintain a "normal" life for its citizens? And even if a jizya is given, what certainty is there the tax will be honored? How long can freedom be bought, be had from a belief system that knows nothing else but a total, involuntary servitude? Not long I dare say, for if one entity is paying another entity for its survival, either the money will soon run out, or the taxes will be consistently upped until payments cannot be made, and then the plunder of the usurpers of islam will begin in earnest. I believe the ultimate islamic belief is this: Submit or DIE! Plain, pure, simple.
I recalled reading an email sent to me by someone, about Thomas Jefferson and his conflict(s) with the Muslims way back in early 1800s. I've looked it up on the web, and while the web is open-season for things false and things true, I have no reason to not believe a lot of what I read. Unless of course, what I read comes from political sites, which stretches the "truth" to the point of attempting to make a point in one's favor. Whatever.
In this, which I've copied from that email, which was compiled by Ted Sampley, U.S. Veteran Dispatch, January 2007, is part of what Mr. Sampley wrote:
'In 1786, Jefferson, then the American ambassador to France, and Adams, then the American ambassador to Britain, met in London with Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, the "Dey of Algiers" ambassador to Britain.
'The Americans wanted to negotiate a peace treaty based on Congress' vote to appease.
'During the meeting Jefferson and Adams asked the Dey's ambassador why Muslims held so much hostility towards America, a nation with which they had no previous contacts.
'In a later meeting with the American Congress, the two future presidents reported that Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja had answered that Islam "was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise."'
I have no reason to doubt what Mr. Sampley has written. It may be true, it may be false. Regardless, from what has been recorded in the past few years, the statement follows suit to present goings-on. Those muslims who will be slain in battle, to go to paradise are many, and since they are recruiting from among their children with no qualms, unless and until the muslims can be brought into the current 21st century, all, ALL the free peoples of the world face certain annihilation, decimation, elimination, eradication. I don't care what your politics are, if you don't submit, you die. Of course, if you're borne, you're going to die anyway, but personally, I'd rather die of natural causes than by a blade slicing my head off.
I've not addressed the impeach Bush ideology, for I believe there is nothing Bush has done to be impeachable. He did what he did with the information he had at the moment, and that's the bottom line. I am constantly and consistently amused with the notion that his convictions and his decisions were in retaliation toward a group of militant terrorists who have no conscience, no qualms about killing anyone who doesn't follow their train of thought. Now granted, when the WMD was not found, he shoulda, woulda, and possibly coulda changed his direction, but that is all in the past, there is nothing either he nor I can do to change it, but live with the error. Presidents preceding Bush have made gross misjudgments inactions as well, and I do believe those mistakes come with the office. What would I have done? I have no earthly idea, because I'm not the President.
Okay, enough of this. One more time I have written my concerns. You may agree with it, and you may not. Regardless of your conviction, at least allow me to put my feelings out to the cyber-world, and to paper if need be, and respect my freedom of speech and opinion.
At 1/30/2007 5:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
What make are your hearing aids?
At 1/30/2007 5:55 AM,
Fletch said…
While I understand your question/statement, may I ask if you have a white stripe running down your back, that you won't at least publish your name? Or as John Prine drolls, are you a coward?
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