Fletcher's Ramblings

I actually began this thing a couple of years ago when I thought it was worth having to post my political views. In the past couple of months I've decided expressing political opinions are just too tedious and tend to make enemies faster than friends. On occasion there will possibly be a political jab or two, but overall, I just want this place to be a venue for reading. Your comments are welcomed and encouraged.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

Thanksgiving 2006 - © Kent Fletcher
November 22, 2006

Once again a prominent family-focused holiday rolls around, and for the third year some loved ones are in harm's way over there. It appears there is a major shift coming from the politicians getting ready to ascend to prominence once again after a 12-year lull. It appears one of their main focuses will be to either bring all the troops - Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard - home, or in their words, "redeploy" them to places yet unknown. As much as I would love to see this happen, I'm sorely afraid the Democrats are going to sink the US ship in the long run.

I will be among the first to admit I am not a happy camper with the Bush administration. Talk about sword rattling, evidently Bush took notice of Saddam Hussein's sword rattling. For what it's worth, I really wish Bush would either authorize all-out annihilation of the insurgency and the insurgency's instigators, or as the Democrats wish, get the hell out of there, and let happen whatever will happen. The US has lost close to 3,000 personnel total personnel over there, most to violent deaths, some to non-violence. Regardless, close to 3,000 personnel are not, or will not come home alive.

I'm finally getting toward the end of a good book - not a great book but a good one nonetheless - titled Age of Tolerance by Glen Reinsford, who is the editor of the anti-terrorism website, TheReligionofPeace.com. This book is a fictitious projection of what the United States would be had Albert Gore won the infamous election of 2000, and suffered the same consequences as the Bush administration. Believe me, it's sobering, even knowing the work is presumptive in its allegations. I would suggest it be read by everyone. As the back page of the book states, "Be careful what you wish for..."

Having made that statement, let me assure you I've not given up on the United States, not in any shape, form, or fashion. Times are about to change here at home, and hopefully for the better. Time will tell.

Enough said. I hope everyone who reads this has a Happy Thanksgiving, can be with others in a peaceful presence, and who will remember those soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines who are in harm's way. And also, please go to this site, as it about says it all: http://www.sgtstrader.org/msg/2006tdm1.html


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